January 23rd, 2021
RadiantQ team is glad to announce a New Year gift to our customers with the brand new release of jQuery Gantt Package 8.0. Here are the exciting new features in this version:
- Multiple Task Selector for both Project Gantt (EnableMultipleTaskSelector) and Flexy Gantt(FGMultipleTaskSelector)
- “enableSingleClickEdit” option support for FlexyGantt.
- NowLineRefreshFrequency – To auto update the now line.
- Supporting scroll event in frozen columns and scroll support for PageUp, PageDown, Home and End key scroll events.
- Page Up/Down keystrokes scrolls the rows vertically for whole page & horizontal scrolling with left/right arrow.
- Column-wise sorting in gantt table.
- New option to allow resizing the column header.
- Support to set the TablePanelWidth value as a percentage.
- Chinese Culture Support.
- Maintain state of Expand and Collapsed tasks while resetting datasource.
- Unique ID feature for Table Row, Cell, Header, Chart row, Taskbars – to help with Automation.
- Support to enable the drag and drop feature in any column in gantttable.
- Recurring tasks customization.
- Multiple indent and outdent support.
- Performance improvements.
- Memory leak issue fixes.
- And several bug fixes.
As usual we have taken great care to ensure that these features integrate seamlessly with your current code base and intuitive to your users.
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year.
RadiantQ Team
NOTE: Download the latest version here: http://radiantq.com/trial-downloads/